Why do we need a dedicated metaverse for Engineers & Creators?

3 min readFeb 1, 2022

We start this article by defining the digital space for engineers and creators in a nutshell right now.

If you are a developer or a creator (entrepreneur, designer, product person, et al.), what is your digital signature and footprint in 2021?

I am guessing depending on whether you are a beginner to advanced, your world revolves around :
- Productivity Tools: Everything you use for your work includes stuff like Gmail, Google docs, Notion, Github, Visual Studio/Atom, etc.
- Communication Tools: Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, AWS Chime etc.
- Networking & Problem solving: From Stack overflow, Quora, LinkedIn, Discord, Whatsapp etc.
- Career / Opportunities: Linkedin Jobs, Monster, Behance, Fiverr, Elance etc

The last three categories are Social+ Ecosystem for Engineers/Creators. The world seems perfect, right? But, do we have everything for every problem we solve?
Or is it?

Think about it: the entire social + ecosystem is owned by centralized firms that hold users’ data and command their attention and presence. The rule of the game is to acknowledge the user data, provide the proper distraction and cash in the monetary value of the networks. In the end, the user is left with only one thing — Reputation.

And that reputation fades with time. You can’t cash in your digital activity five years later from any of the above platforms unless you are active regularly and create opportunities in that particular moment for yourself. However, that’s not true for the organization as they become more robust with your data even if your reputation potentially dies out after years. And that’s why, collectively, these platforms are also almost dying out, for engineers have started recognizing this problem.

Now, let’s talk about personal interactions. The natural human touch to connections and work is lost with the above products, and we all have become a mere userid or a profile picture in this ecosystem. However, the concept of joint movements and exploration of space around us in the real world makes engagement and interaction meaningful and impactful.

We at HackerVerse, have decided to provide one such platform for engineers and creators where your digital reputation travels with you safely and, over time, results in long term incentivization. A world where creators own the community and extract its value rather than a central organization that commands it. A place where engineers can connect in actual physical life in a culture built around them.

We are creating the future of work. Imagine walking into an office unlocking your private room with an NFT you possess. As you sit down in this office, you can see and talk to people around you. Companies can lease spaces and grant NFT’s to their people to access those. All aspects of work, including video/audio calls to collaborative documentation/brainstorming, happen on this platform. Every user is incentivized based on the good behavior on the forum, and their value is cumulatively built with time with their engagement. We are making this entire metaverse in a 2D gaming engine to provide you with faster, robust and closer to life engagements.

HackerVerse is a trustworthy web3 platform for creators to collaborate and create next-generation products.

Find out more about us at http://hackerverse.io/




Virtual world platform for creators collaborating to create next gen products.